Our dedicated customer service team monitor and measure our customer experience metrics of satisfaction, effort and net promoter scores.  

We measure our satisfaction levels by including a link to a customer survey in all email communications to encourage feedback.  

Alternatively, you can click here to complete our satisfaction survey.

We review every response to find ways to improve the quality of the customer service we provide.


How our CX metrics are measured:

  • Customer satisfaction (Csat) is an indication of customer happiness; it’s surveyed on one question; overall, how satisfied are you with the customer service experience provided by Clarity, and it’s often based upon the most recent contact.


  • Customer Effort (CE) to evaluate ‘customer effort’; we measure the ease of an experience by asking our customers, on a four-point scale of 'very difficult' to 'very easy', how much effort was required on their part to use our service and to evaluate how likely they are to continue using it.

  • The Net Promoter Score (NPS) used to measure customer loyalty, by asking ‘would you recommend Clarity to your colleagues?’  NPS monitors the overall sentiment towards Clarity as whole (Go2, service, value for money etc.).